Sunday, March 1, 2015

Leadership Ambassador Nominee

Hello everyone, my name is Andrew and I'm in the seventh grade.   I'm not really sure how to introduce myself but this account is more about my trip than me myself. I made this blog so I could tell you guys about my trip. I started my plans for taking this trip by being nominated by my science teacher for a program titled the "Leadership Ambassador Forum".  I didn't think much of it at first, but I decided to look into it a little more and enlist the help of my Grandma Cindy. She and her friend Geri have been a big help in getting me started on my fundraising. Anyway, I had gotten the letter and it caught my attention.   I thought it looked really fancy and  truthfully, I fancy fancy things. It told me about how I could go on a trip of a lifetime and visit the nation's capitol in which I previously thought was in the state of Washington (you'll learn I'm bad with geography eventually). It said that I would gain life skills and be able to meet people from around the world. It had seemed pretty cool so I thought it might be a nice experience for me.

People to People Independence Day Trip to D.C. and Philadelphia

At my school, I see a lot of people who "live in the now", I have nothing wrong with that, but they take it to the extreme.  I always try to consider my future and do anything that might help me get into a good college when I'm older. The letter also mentioned that over 80% of people who participate in a People to People Program get into their college of choice. I have always tried to do things that might help me on a college resume but nothing to this extent has been available to me until now. I made this blog so that I could tell about my upcoming trip and get people like you to helsponsor me so that's what I'll be doing on this blog.

 Please follow me on Twitter too at ABBuehler1 (my twitter account)

1 comment:

  1. What an honor to be nominated! How does one help fund your trip? Do you have a link?
